Sunday School
/ Ministries / Sunday School

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church ​Sunday School

To register your child(ren) for Sunday school, we encourage you to do one of the following:

  • use the QR code on the flyer below to be directed to the Google Forms registration form;
  • click on the following link, which will also take you to the registration form -- YOUTH MINISTRIES REGISTRATION
  • use this form to sign your child(ren) up for Sunday school and any of the other youth ministries
  • if any questions/to enroll please contact Sunday school Directors: Kari Zarynow ( or Annie Voutsinas (
Mission Statement

The mission of the Sts. Sophia, Faith, Hope, & Agape Sunday School is to educate and reinforce the teachings of the Church by incorporating into our lesson the daily Scripture readings, the sacraments of our Faith, concepts, and the understanding of the Church's liturgical year including Major Feasts. We aim to encourage children to live their faith by studying the Holy Bible and Orthodox Christian teachings; supporting the church by volunteering  their time, talents, and treasure as good stewards in fellowship, and developing close, lasting relationships and friendships through which they can support one another in their lifelong journey with Jesus Christ.

Sunday School Team 2024-2025
Nursery Class


(Minimum age is 2-3 years old) 

PreK-K  Maria Papadimitriou
1st-2nd  Sofia Sprayberry and Athena Nazzaro
3rd-5th Mary Helen Black and Marianne Nikas
6th-8th Joann Bannon & Richard Zarynow
9th-12th George Coutavas and Patty Nazzaro

Divine  Liturgy begins 10:00am SHARP. We ask that Students and Teachers be on time and sit in the first three rows of the Church by the Choir.

High Schoolers can sit with their families if they prefer.

Nursery Class only will proceed to their classroom after the "children's" sermon and then return for Holy Communion.

All other grades will stay throughout the Divine Liturgy and then proceed to their class after Holy Communion. Sunday School classes last 30 minutes and will be dismissed afterwards into the Church Hall during coffee hour. We ask that parents do not roam the Sunday School hallway or interrupt the classes unless an emergency or prearranged with the teacher(s).


Sunday School year begins September 15, 2024 and ends on May 18,2025 with Graduation Sunday.

Christmas Pageant

Dr. Marianne Nikas is the program director for the Christmas Pageant along with Mrs. Cathy Cox and Ms. Carla Johnson.

Rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant will take place following Holy Communion and will be held in the church hall, after which children will be dismissed to their Sunday school classrooms.

October 6

October 13

October 27

November 3

November 10

November 17

November 24

December 8

December 15 (Costumed Dress Rehearsal in church after Liturgy/before Christmas party)

December 22 Christmas Pageant after Liturgy

*** Stay tuned for any time or location changes.


St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

It is part of our Sunday School program that provides teenagers in both middle and high school an opportunity to select one of several topics designated by the Archdiocese, to write and present  related to their faith and the Church.

The Oratorical Festival program begins at the parish level with the top speakers in both the Junior and Senior Divisions advancing to the district level.  The date of our parish level festival TO BE ANNOUNCED.

Helpful Resources for Families:

The Children's Word-Orthodox Christian Network

A weekly newsletter that includes a message, coloring page, and activities on the Sunday Gospel lesson and on one of the Saints for the week.

Orthodox Pebbles

Orthodox Pebbles-A digital collection of high quality, free, online Orthodox Christian educational resources for young children.

Be the Bee

Be the Bee is a video series about finding God in everything, everyday.


A collection of icon printables for coloring.

St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Topics, rules, guidelines, and prize information for Junior Division (Grades 7-9) and Senior Division (Grades 10-12).

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm

  • Mon

    6:30 Great Compline
  • Wed

    6:30 Presanctified Liturgy
  • Fri

    6:00 First Salutations to the Theotokos
    7:00 Lecture & Lenten Potluck

First Monday of Lent - Clean Monday

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm