/ Ministries / Philoptochos
The Ladies Philoptochos Society

​Lucy Kline - ​President
​Lynn Pogas - First Vice President
Maria Papadimitriou - Second Vice President
Flora Poloway - Recording Secretary
Eliana Bellos - Corresponding Secretary
Katherine Tsipras - Treasurer
Alexis Witt - Advisor


Thank you for considering a gift!

Please consider supporting the philanthropic outreach of our Church through the Philoptochos Poor Box located in the Narthex. Each month 100% of the donations are designated for a local charity.

Please consider donating to the monthly charity at or submit a check payable to St. Sophia Philoptochos adding “Poor Box” to the memo line.  Thank you for your generosity!


The Philoptochos encourages memorial special services by offering to make Koliva for those having a memorial service.  Please contact Lucy Kline at or (215-206-8180) for more information or to order your Koliva.  All requests should be made (3) weeks in advance to allow time for proper preparation.  Koliva may be prepared traditional style or with pomegranates (if available).

To sponsor Koliva only, the fee is $150.  Please make checks payable to the St. Sophia Philoptochos.

Please remember to call the Parish Office first at 610-650-8960 if you are planning a memorial service.

Mission Statement

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., is the duly accredited women's philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The mission of the Society shall be:

  • To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through fund raising efforts; and
  • To promote the charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, through instructional programs, presentations, lectures, seminars and other educational resources;
  • To preserve and perpetuate Orthodox Christian concepts and the Orthodox Christian Family, and through them, to promote the Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions, in accordance with its doctrines, canons, discipline, divine worship, usages and customs;
  • To promote participation in the activities of the Greek Orthodox community, with the cooperation of the Parish Priest and the Parish Council.

The charitable work of the Society shall be performed with discretion, courtesy and kindness.

Below please find a link to the National Philoptochos website:

Saint Sophia Knitting Guild

Knitting Faithfully with Hope and Love 

Do you knit or crochet or know someone who does? Our St. Sophia Knitting Guild is open to all in our parish and friends and family of our parish, too!

Our guild was launched in 2021 to serve our Philoptochos mission through the donation of handmade knitted and crocheted items. To date we have knitted and crocheted in support of three charitable organizations. We are now working on projects in support of St Sophia’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. We are always looking for new members to join this energetic group!

If interested, please reach out to Maria Swope at

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm

  • Sun

    Sunday of Orthodoxy
    8:45 Orthros 10:00 Divine Liturgy
    4:00 Pan Orthodox Vespers
  • Mon

    CLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12
  • Tue

    CLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm