/ Ministries / GOYA
Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA)

Our GOYA Chapter is very active at Saint Sophia with events scheduled throughout the year.  Each meeting and event touches on three specific themes - Faith, Fellowship and Service.  Our meetings start with a discussion topic related to our Greek Orthodox Faith and includes a Service aspect where we strive to help the surrounding community.  And of course, there is the Fellowship component that ranges from snow tubing, camping, bowling and many many more fun activities that keep our teens focused on serving the community and following the teachings of of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

Our service partner in the community is Manna on Main Street in Lansdale PA.  Manna is a soup kitchen and food pantry that serves 2,000 meals a month and has over 700 families that use their food pantry.  Our GOYA conducts several food drives throughout the year to help supplement their food pantry.  We also have monthly casserole "meetings" where our youth make several meals that are then served at the soup kitchen.  

If you have a teen that is between 13 and 18, please contact us and we will include him or her in our GOYA email list.  They can also check us out on our Facebook page by going to https://www.facebook.com/groups/stsophiagoya/
Questions?  E-mail us!  goya@saintsophiachurch.org or Matt Bannon, GOYA Advisor (mattban@aol.com).

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm

  • Sun

    Sunday of Orthodoxy
    8:45 Orthros 10:00 Divine Liturgy
    4:00 Pan Orthodox Vespers
  • Mon

    CLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12
  • Tue

    CLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm