Are you new to the Orthodox faith? Or were you born into the faith and most questions were answered with, “because, that’s why…”? Or just want to learn more about our faith? If so, then please join our fellow parishioners who have learned about and grown stronger in their faith through our Orthodoxy 101 sessions.
This educational and ongoing series of conversations regarding Orthodoxy has been very well received by parishioners, guests and visitors who want to learn more about our Ancient Faith. You can attend any session you like or attend them all!
One of our stewards, Brian Janeway Fitzgerald, will offer these presentations on “The Didache: Snapshot of Early Christianity”. Join us for the first session on Tuesday, March 15th at 7pm in the nave of the church. The topics and all dates appear below:
The Didache: Snapshot of Early Christianity
March 15th -- The Text: Its Date, Setting, and Purpose
March 22nd -- The Two Ways: Ethics of Early Christian Living
March 29th -- The Church Manual: Early Christian Worship, Prayer, and Expectations
900 S. Trooper Road
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Office Hours - M-F 10am to 4pm
9MarSunday of Orthodoxy
8:45 Orthros 10:00 Divine Liturgy
4:00 Pan Orthodox VespersMon
10MarCLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12Tue
11MarCLERGY RETREAT 3/10-3/12